The World Pulse Beats Beyond My DoorExposed to the harshness of the outdoors, of the soot-covered attic, the wounds of the past, and the pressures to come, Heike Kabisch...
My Daughter TerraMy Daughter Terra is an anthology collecting many different vantage points, myths and individual perspectives.
MycoglossiaMycoglossia is a poetry pamphlet on fungi that beckons many voices – both human and non-human.
Hay cuerpos cansados por el viaje que buscan enraizarseI had the pleasure of editing Sofía Salazar Rosales’ solo exhibition publication.
PlaceholdersPlaceholders, a poetry pamphlet, is a geo-cultural study of names, their origins and their signifiers.
NOIT — 5: BODIES AS IN BUILDINGNOIT — 5: bodies as in buildings is a collection of essays, short stories, and images exploring the domestic, the home, and the body.
ScrewedScrewed is an essay reflecting on early childhood modes of understanding and how they spiral into ways of gaining knowledge in adulthood.